This courageous post from my young friend, Darryl Estes, breaks my heart. He is a dear dear friend of my daughter and was much a part of our lives during their high school years and after. He adopted us years ago and has always kept in touch. This "child" of mine is 48 years old. Early on-set of this terrible disease is so especially devastating to the victim, friends and family. I am grateful that he has a devoted partner to care for him and I want to encourage him to continue posting his progress while he can as I think it is helpful to others dealing with the illness and those caring for them:
"I am going to apologize for what I may write, say or due in the future. I have Alzheimer's . George and I started this journey 5 months ago. I will be writing about what's going on with me from time to time. There will be a time when I stop posting on facebook and that means I have crossed over to the road of no return. I'm terrified at what the future is going to bring. Just know I love my family and friends. Here's how my day starts, I wake up and I usually do not know where I am and sometimes I don't know who I am. George gets me on track a few hours later . He has me on a routine that has helped me. I've never seen George so patient. I am on medication that is supposed to slow the Alzheimer's. I have good days and not so good. So please be patient with me. Love you all Darryl Estes"
This disease is affecting millions. If it were ebola, the government would be screaming and doing what it can to stop it. Why not Alzheimer's? Please support your local Alzheimer's Association.