Thursday, December 22, 2016

This getting old is really hard work sometimes...

Well, Christmas has really sneaked up on us this year.  I have been wrestling with hip pain and then a week ago was hospitalized with tachycardia...a recurring problem that started with Lyme Disease years ago.  After 4 days in the hospital it seems that when I get chest congestion, it triggers the tachycardia.  Much better now but it sent He-Who into total confusion.  I arranged for some care from Brookdale from the ER but it was upsetting to him and he was still talking about it when I got home from the hospital.  I think we are over the upset now but facing another challenge.  The cardiologist has okayed my hip replacement surgery on Jan. 12.  At least I have time to set up care for He-Who.  I am relieved to finally get this hip pain resolved after months of pain, cortisone shots and physical therapy.  I kept telling the previous docs that it was more a hip problem than a back problem and at last I got to a hip specialist.  Whew!  Family is going to step in to care for us, bless their hearts, and it will put my mind at ease and able to focus on my healing to know that He-Who is being looked after by family.
Our move to San Antonio is on hold for now until I get back on my feet.  Latest report on construction completion is now the end of February.  Perfect!  God does have a way of looking after us.  I will be back on my feet and ready for the challenge.
All our Christmas shopping has been done on the Internet and today the last of the orders arrived.!  Whew again!  I love wrapping gifts and am getting excited about being with family and celebrating the birth of Jesus and new beginnings.  I even made a cake this week for the therapy staff.  Oh my, my baking skills have slipped.  I thought the batter looked very thick and after sticking it in the oven, checked the recipe again.  I had left out the buttermilk so I quickly grabbed the pan, emptied it into a bowl, added the buttermilk and back in the oven it went.  Reminder to distractions, check and recheck!  We will join the Cox tribe for Christmas dinner...our tribe coming from San Antonio and Conroe joining He-Who's twin brother and his family...22 for dinner and way too much fun!  Can't wait!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my friends, family and readers.  Thank you for all your comments and support as we make our way on this long journey.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Oh my..I didn't see this coming

     Yesterday a dear friend of many years came to visit us.  She now lives in Tyler so we don't get to see each other as often as I would like.  She and her now deceased husband lived five doors down from us for nearly 18 years and she and I went to grad school together many years ago.  As neighbors and friends we got together as couple and visited back and forth and have known each others children and grandchildren.  Good, good friends!
     He-Who was doing his sweeping thing on the porch when she arrived.  I had told him to expect her and she greeted him warmly with a hug and they chatted for a few minutes.  She came into the apartment and we sat down to chat.  In a few minutes He-Who came in, said hello, put away his red broom and went into the bedroom and went to sleep.  She was gone when he woke up and I mentioned how great it was to have the visit.  He had no idea what I was talking about.  He didn't recognize her and just thought she was a friendly resident.  New marker:  some long-term memory is failing.  I was shocked!  Maybe I shouldn't be but I was.  She was almost family a long time and I just didn't see this coming.  She didn't realize he didn't know her until later when I told her.  Wow!  At least he is still the same ol' sweet friendly guy in so many ways.
     Oh and by the way,  the flatware I ordered on Black Wednesday over the Internet from Macy's is really ugly and now I have to recruit my daughter to help carry this heavy box sitting in our living room back to the store where hopefully I will find something better.  Oh well, win a few, lose a few and we can still manage with the old stuff.