Monday, November 12, 2018

Where from here?

Is it time to move on to new horizons and a new blog?  At what point is my journey no longer about recovery but about my life as it goes forward on a different journey?  I am single.  It's a fact!  I no longer reach across the bed to make sure my partner is there or hesitate to turn on the light in the middle of the night.  Going out to dinner with the Watercrest gang this week really drove it home.  I was the only one who was there alone.  A few weeks ago I was the only single woman who went to the baseball game with the group.  That surprised me.  But I survived! 
And I have a lot more to say, I do.  Look at the environment!  the President!  the health care system!  dating!  life among the elderly!  I'm not ready to shut up, that's for sure.  So look out folks, the old lady ain't done yet!  It ain't over til the fat lady sings.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

And who is she now?

It's November and finally a bit chilly but rainy here in San Antonio.  September was the rainiest month on record here in the hill country.  So we carry umbrellas while California burns.  So crazy!

So what's the old gal been up to in her recovery?  Well, damn if her eyes still leak like crazy when the guest musician plays "Can I have this dance for the rest of my life" or "Waltz across Texas".  My friends are used to it by now and just hand me a tissue.  Do I want that to go away?  Yes and no....I love those beautiful memories of being held close and moving across the dance floor.  It was one of those things we could do together until the very end.  But I remain hopeful now that I will once again have that experience with someone else.

I have had a few dates that have been a lot of fun and have joined a couple of dating websites. OMG has that ever been an adventure and hilarious at times.  Gee but it is a lot of work to put yourself out there.  Nothing of real interest has shown up so far.  My girlfriends say all these guys lie about their age....really?  Why would anyone lie about being 86 years old?  One guy's picture shows him with an oxygen tube in his nose.  Geezus!  I have this fantasy that Prince Charming is just going to show up at the right time if it is meant to be.  In the meantime I need to get on with my life and get involved.

Life here at Watercrest at the Dominion as improved considerably with the appointment of a new director...some of the growing pains of a brand new community have been resolved though there will always be some.  I now serve on the Advisory Board of the Resident Association as others have stepped up to tackle responsible positions...a big relief.

In the meantime I have moved out of my box into a larger apartment, two bedrooms and two baths so now I have an office/studio to work in and I love it.  The move here was so chaotic... you understand if you have read my earlier writing.  The sudden death of my husband at the edge of our move forced some fast decisions on where to go and what to do.  Not knowing exactly what my financial situation was going to be I chose a smaller one bedroom was the right decision at the time but now I am on firmer ground hopefully making better choices and I love the new balcony overlooking the hill country.  Looking back at that difficult time had we not been packed and ready to move, it probably would have been wiser to stay put for at least a couple months to get my feet back under me.with the support of friends as well as family.

In June I was able to go to Loveland to visit my in-laws who moved there and my wonderful nieces and then go on to Boulder to work with my writing coach, Max Regan, for 10 days of a writing retreat...especially fun as several of my writing buddies from Houston were there.  I'm finding editing a lot harder than writing.

Last month I joined 3 girlfriends from here on a river cruise beginning in Slovakia, then Vienna, Germany and ending in Amsterdam.  It was great to get away and visit parts of Europe I had not been to....disappointing in that we were only able to be on the ship for 7 days as the extreme drought has lowered the level of the Danube and Rhine to the point they are not navigable.
So this gypsy soul has been fed, at least for the time being.  A change of scenery does help move the grief to the side and I recommend it.

I always enjoy your comments if you have managed to read through all this.