Friday, March 13, 2015

Retail therapy and the technicolor dream coat

Kay's tecnicolor dream coat
I highly recommend a little retail therapy for you caregivers out there.  I went shopping with my daughter today for something to wear to my high school reunion next month.  It had been months since I had been in anything other than a grocery or drugstore and oh my, was it ever fun to just get out without He-Who and look at the latest and greatest.  And what fun it was to have my daughter with me as she can quickly spot things that look like me.  We came away with a jacket for her, two blouses and a jacket for me.  The jacket is just awesome!  Woohoo...a good for the soul adventure!


  1. OH MY GOSH, it's fabulous! You'll look sensational in that.......What fun.

  2. Colour and design are soul-lifting! Where we live in Mexico, there is an over-80 Canadian woman on her own who dresses elegantly and colourfully. I so admire her. AND she goes to gym classes!!
